About Mediathek |
Mediathek 7.0 is available for download since October 9th, 2010. You will
find here below
the list of
major new
accessible to
the end-user.
Feel free to use
suggestion form
to submit
improvement and
requests, based
on your own
using experience
and needs.
Mediathek is declined in two licensing modes with a unique distribution :
a no
freeware release
with major
and a shareware
release with the
whole software
6.x main
(major features
only) |
- Mediathek 6.5/6.6: (july 7th 2009)
- Blu-Ray and iPod icons/format support.
- Reference search from toolbar text field
(for barcode reader support).
- Internet DVD / eBay search filters
- Windows Vista & Windows 7 32-bit support
- Mediathek 6.4:
- Root categories label and icon
- Icons illustrations available to any
kind of item.
- Configuration files path selection
(allow Mediathek shared usage among several
- Internet import filter: multiple results
selection, adds links with imported items.
- Feature to set the maximum number of
items a borrower can take alltogether.
- Late for return items checking and send
reminder emails within all categories in a
single operation.
- New "reference" field extended to any
kind of item.
- Mediathek 6.3: (april 21st 2005)
- Import data from import filters while
editing / adding a new item.
- Item description mail sending feature
with external links & jpeg file as
- Files & Folders Import filter that scans
drives and folders to declare files into
your Mediathek document with content
- New CDDB (Audio CD) import filter.
- Item color support in native printing
- Lending module major enhancements: late
items email reminder, log file...
- Mediathek 6.2: (june 30th 2004)
- Full database internal engine review and
new fields addition.
- Default list values full customization
support (sound, video format...).
- Full revision of import/export engine
and improvement of all existing filters.
- HTML templates to use for creating
reports using HTML export filter and print
using Internet Explorer.
- Lending module: default borrowing days
count management for each category.
- Possibility to apply one / several
property value for all items located in a
same folder.
- Possibility to associate internet / file
links with authors / artists and TITLES.
- Mediathek 6.1/6.11: (august 24th 2003)
- New mode : "Reserved" state/color when
lending date is prior to current date.
- Detailed statistics about folder's
properties / displayed contents.
- End-user interface enhancements.
- Mediathek 6.0: (june 18th 2003)
- Windows XP look'n feel + visual themes
support, context menus, filter bar...
- items custom coloring depending on their
types & attributes (categories, folders,
mediums & objects, lended items, items late
for return...).
- Built-in print engine full revision.
- New: Builtin Lending/borrowing
management module, borrowers management, log
file, advanced rules, specific coloring...
- Display the current document's
statistics when selecting the tree view's
root icon.
- Integrated features to enhance fields
input (auto-complete).